
The Auction

Highlight of our year, annually since 1960, has been the Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale. It is our primary funding source. The first year’s proceeds, $5,800, went to construction of the public library. Since then, we have raised more than $4 million for a wide range of community projects.

In addition to raising funds, the event is a major recycling project, with tons of merchandise finding new homes every year. We also receive major support from the Bainbridge Island community – last year, more than 4,000 carloads of donations were dropped off by local residents, and several thousand people returned the following Saturday to buy back the treasures


We are grateful for donations provided by local businesses to help our many endeavors. See our Auction & Rummage Sale website for details on how to become a Sponsor.


The Scholarship Foundation is a separate 501.c.3 entity, founded in 2004 and entirely devoted to accepting tax-deductible donations from the community to build a scholarship endowment fund. As public donations build the fund’s principal, the number and size of scholarships available will likewise increase. By law, 5% of the Endowment is withdrawn annually and used to fund scholarships. Any expenses incurred by the Scholarship Foundation are paid by members of the Rotary Club. The Scholarship Foundation’s 5-member Board of Directors is responsible for managing the Endowment, with primary focus on preserving the Endowment’s principal.

How to contact us and/or make a donation to the BI Rotary’s scholarship program

  1. * Send email inquiries to:
    * If you do not have a default email app / program (ie. Outlook or Mail) set up on your computer then please copy and paste the email address into your email of choice (ie Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail).
  2. Send letter inquiries to:
    Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island
    221 Winslow Way, No. 302
    Bainbridge Island, WA 98110